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Clarification on Derby user limit

Dirk Ambras (6122) | asked Aug 23 '12, 12:09 p.m.


Derby has a limit of 10 users. Does this mean:
a) not more than 10 uses can work in parallel, or
b) not more than 10 user can be created?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Aug 23 '12, 12:46 p.m.
Derby allows only 10 authorized developer licenses. You can have additional authorized contributor and stakeholder licenses assigned. You can have floating developer licenses assigned (with 4.0) I haven't explored if it allows only 10 of each kind but would find this likely.

Dirk Ambras commented Aug 23 '12, 12:58 p.m.

On my test installation I have RM analyst licenses: 10 named users RTC developer licenses: 10 named users RQM contributor licenses:10 named users Can I now assign all 30, or only a subset of max. 10 totally?

wolfgang steindl commented Aug 23 '12, 1:09 p.m. | edited Aug 23 '12, 1:12 p.m.

The limitation applies to each product. So you can assign all 30.

Dirk Ambras commented Aug 23 '12, 1:16 p.m.

Great, thanks!

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wolfgang steindl (2061011) | answered Aug 23 '12, 12:20 p.m.
I think the answer is c)  ;-) no more licenses than 10 can be added to the server.

So this is a mixture of a + b. You can create more than 10 users but only 10 of them can be assigned  a valid license.

Dirk Ambras commented Aug 23 '12, 12:36 p.m.

When creating a new Jazz account I did not see a field to assign a Derby license. Now I have 18 defined Jazz users (including system accounts) and did not get an error. Perhaps not every new account will automatically get a Derby account?

wolfgang steindl commented Aug 23 '12, 12:55 p.m.

Sorry - not meaning derby licenses. I mean Team Concert licenses. So if you go to the license key management from the server there is a column called "Available". And there you have a limit with 10. If you add a license via the "Add..." Button on the same page the server will check the amount of licenses. And with derby only 10 will be allowed. Hope that claryfies.

Regarding your 18 Jazz users - as said, you can create as many useres as you want BUT you only have 10 licenses. Only 10 of your 18 useres can get a license in the derby scenario! The other 8 will not get a license.

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