Is there a way to 'baseline' requirements in RRC?

Accepted answer

yes - creating baselines in RRC is possible. More info can be found here

Thanks, Wolfgang.
I can't find the 'Baselines' section in the sidebar. Where exactly should I be looking? My sidebar just has Create Requirement, Use Case Diagram, and Upload Artifact. Is that the right sidebar?

Also, I did check my roles, and I have Author, Commenter, Administrator, and Project Snapshot Administrator. The link you sent me says I need Project Baseline Administrator, but I assume that's the same as Project Snapshot Administrator?

From Version 3 to Version 4 terminology changed slightly. In Version 3 it was called a snapshot. In version4 it's called a baseline. So due to your terminolgy I assume you are using version 3. So in this case the link applies.

"Thanks, Wolfgang. I can't find the 'Baselines' section in the sidebar. Where exactly should I be looking? My sidebar just has Create Requirement, Use Case Diagram, and Upload Artifact. Is that the right sidebar?"
No, there is a sidebar on the right. Possibly you first need to activate it. On the right of the browser there is a small indicator that allows you to expand the bar. Within that there is a section with the Snapshots.

Okay, I found it and created a baseline, then made some updates, and created another baseline. How do I compare the two baselines to see what changed?

Within the Snapshots section you can click on each of the snapshots and see the status of the project(artifacts) at that point in time. In the GUI there is no "compare window". A report with RPE (Publishing Engine) might help.
Have you observed that you can choose a date? This helps in case you forgot to create a snapshot. You can create a snapshot for the past ;-)
One other answer