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importing ReqIF files

dhivya arjunan (1279) | asked Sep 05 '12, 2:30 a.m.


can anyone get me a sample ReqIF  file which can be imported in RRC... i tried those in the following link which is given in the help page , but it is not importing it is showing error "import failed"

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Sep 05 '12, 11:10 p.m.
Hi Dhivya,

If you have RM installed, you can go to the "ReqIF Manager" tab in the project properties and create a new definition, add an artifact, save the definition, and export it to a .tar file.  Inside the .tar file is an XML which contains the ReqIF source.  Otherwise, I can attach a sample source here but it is a bit large.  Hope it helps,
dhivya arjunan selected this answer as the correct answer

dhivya arjunan commented Sep 05 '12, 11:45 p.m.

Hi Benjamin ,

i did the same but while creating a new definition i found the save button disabled .

2 other answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Sep 05 '12, 11:48 p.m.
Hi Dhivya,

This is a bug if you're using IE8.  If you try with FireFox it should work.

dhivya arjunan commented Sep 05 '12, 11:49 p.m.

oh fine thank you....

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Oct 25 '12, 7:34 a.m.

I was wondering why new artifact types are created when we import a ReqIF definition to an RRC project? What is the logic of this?

We have same requirement type in every project but whenever we import something we have "document2", "document3",etc. I believe RRC should compare the artifact types of different RRC projects where a reqIF import is gonna take place and if they are not the same, it should create a new type.

Tom Mutdosch commented Jan 17 '13, 10:31 a.m.

The ReqIF infocenter topic gives details on how it works:
Important: A ReqIF import creates types and artifacts during the first import into a project. Later imports of the same data update the existing resources, except for view column information. A ReqIF import only merges system-defined attributes and types. All other artifact types, attributes, data types, and folders are created in the project you are importing to if they have not been previously imported from a ReqIF file. For example, if you have a Priority attribute in the ReqIF file, and the current project already has a Priority attribute, the import creates another attribute that is named Priority2 .

Tom Mutdosch commented Jan 17 '13, 10:31 a.m.

So essentially the well-known System Types (Requirement Text, Title, Created On, Creator, etc) are able to be re-used, but at present there is no way to map user-defined types in a ReqIF file to existing types in a project. 
The recommendation is to seed any types in a project initially via ReqIF.  This associates that ReqIF object with the created type in RRC.  Thereafter, any imports using that same type (with the same ReqIF identifier) will be treated as the same.
Hope that helps,

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