Remove TC section ID & XLSArtifactID after creating link with testcase.ID=testscript.XLSArtifactID
My spreadsheet has multiple cases and scripts on one tab for 1x1 linking as users do not care for multiple tabs.
Our naming convention needs to be retained as we start test cases with 'TC_' and test scripts with 'TS_'
My issue is that the test case is getting created with two new sections, one named ‘ID’ with text containing the test script name, and a section named ‘XLSArtifactID’ with the test case name.
From reading Hao’s reply to my previous post it sounds like these new sections are being created in support of that one-to-one linking. Is that correct?
If so is there any way to programmatically remove these sections after they are created?
It appears that all is okay when I manually remove them so to clean things up I'd like to include removing these new sections in this process after linking the artifacts if at all possible.
Or am I still missing something... An updated config is below.
Thanks again,
//Start looking for assets after row 1
//A new test script starts when we encounter an empty row
//Set the test script name and ID
//Test scripts are not required to be in an approved state in order to run the TER record. Test cases are.
//Importing test scripts as Draft to allow for edits.
//set testscript state to "Draft"
testscript.alm:state =""
//Step type is defined within the spreadsheet <== need to add step type column to support reporting steps, TBD
//Set the test script description
//Set the test steps description
//Set the expected result
//Link the test case and test script
//A new test case starts when we encounter an empty row
//Set the test case name and ID
//Test Cases need to be in Draft in order to generate TER records from underneath the test plan.
//After genrating TER records mass update test cases to 'Approved. Test cases must be in an approved state to run the TER.
//set testcase state to "Draft"
//Set the test case description
//Set the test case precondition
//Set the test case postcondition
//Set the Owner of the test case from Spreadsheet in Domain format (E.g.: AB92383)
//Owner must be entered as configured on the server, and must be a member of the RQM project which assets are being imported.
//Set test case weight = 100
//System/Subsystem category values should match Barometer IT/ClearQuest values.
//And the category values as defined in the Summary section of the Test Case
//Import valid test case Lean specific categories
testcase.category term="Priority".value=S
testcase.category term="Test Cycle".value=U
testcase.category term="Planview ID".value=V
testcase.category term="System".value=W
testcase.category term="Subsystem".value=X
testcase.category term="Test Type".value=Y
testcase.category term="Test Level".value=Z
//Import valid test case project specific categories
//testcase.category term="YourCategoryName".value=TheColumnInSpreadsheet
//End of file
5 answers
the new section will not displayed on RQM UI,
so if you still think it's needed to remove the section, please open a new enhancement for disable create the XLSArtifactID section.
and another way to programmatically remove these sections is to customize the urlutility and to get the xmls and remove the sections named ID and XLSArtifactID section.
Hi Hao,
I am still not clear if I should expect to see this section and need a RFE.
You say, 'the new section will not displayed on RQM UI' and mention the need for an RFE.
Please this latest post.
I found there's a global attribute named id
so it displayed on UI, if you don't want to display is you can change the config file
to have a try.