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Data Warehouse Collection Jobs Failure - CRRRE1404E

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Aug 16 '12, 4:00 p.m.

CLM Version 3.0.1 Platform RedHat Linux
DW User, UserA - JazzAdmins, JazzDWAdmins - Data Collector CAL

RTC Properties
Data Warehouse connection Properties
Data Collection User Password is set to correct password
Data Collection User is set to UserA

Data Warehouse Collection Jobs Properties
common job userid - UserA passed is set
Requirements Job userid - UserA passed is set

RTC JTS file verified is set to UserA is set to UserA is set to correctly is set to UserA is set correctly

RQM JTS file verified is set to UserA is set to UserA is set to correctly is set to UserA is set correctly is set to UserA is set correctly

The Data Warehouse collection jobs run without errors on the RTC JTS.  However, on the RQM JTS they fail with an error:
ERROR ervice.internal.common.CommonRemoteSnapshotService  - CRRRE1404E: The user or password is CRRRE1404E: The user or password is invalid.

Should I file a bug for this?

Morten Madsen commented Sep 13 '12, 9:01 a.m. | edited Sep 13 '12, 9:18 a.m.

I get the same error but only for the JTS Common job.

I have a user "dwuser" which is JazzAdmin and has Data Collector CAL.

i tried to enter the user and password manually specifically for this job - no effect. Then I tried to enter "bla" as user and password to provoke a change, then it suddenly ran successfully?!!

Then I switched the job back to run as "dwuser"... same error again.

Then I tried to run the job with my own user and now it ran successfully again?! Then I finally switched back to the "dwuser" and now it runs successfully.... I have absolutely NO clue of what happened. But I'm experiencing this weird behavior on other RTC installations as well, 3.0.1 and 4.0 alike.

I will write here, if I can find out whats going on.

Morten Madsen commented Sep 14 '12, 2:26 p.m.

Can anyone help with this issue? I've experienced this on several RTC installations. I think the common thing about these installations was that the data warehouse user was change after the primary installation.

I tried to purge the DB for the datawarehouse and re-create the data. It worked on one installation, after 3 complete runs. Sometimes it would say "wrong user or password" like the above description, but now it seems stable.

Any comment anyone?

Morten Madsen commented Sep 18 '12, 4:58 a.m.

I've created a business partner PMR for this. I will write my findings here, if I solve the problem with IBM Tech supports help.

Robert Carter commented Dec 12 '12, 12:32 p.m.

Update to this issue:

We have discovered that the LDAP search base for the RTC JTS server and the RQM JTS where different.

On the RTC JTS the search base was something like, ou=company ou=com

On the RQM JTS the search base was something like, ou=users ou=company ou=com
The user does not exist in the ou=users ou=company ou=com tree.  Once we updated the RQM JTS the same as the RTC JTS... All is working now.

I think the error message might need to clarify this difference between a bad password or user not found message.

3 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Sep 19 '12, 8:03 a.m.
Hi Robert, please file a bug.

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Charlotte Harris (32912) | answered Dec 12 '12, 11:00 a.m.
We are experiencing this problem, has anyone got a link to PMR/defect please

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Robert Carter (42928789) | answered Dec 12 '12, 12:33 p.m.
 Update to this issue:
We have discovered that the LDAP search base for the RTC JTS server and the RQM JTS where different.

On the RTC JTS the search base was something like, ou=company ou=com

On the RQM JTS the search base was something like, ou=users ou=company ou=com
The user does not exist in the ou=users ou=company ou=com tree.  Once we updated the RQM JTS the same as the RTC JTS... All is working now.

I think the error message might need to clarify this difference between a bad password or user not found message.

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