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Is it possible to have Build Forge call a putty command?

Sarah Landry (1123) | asked Aug 15 '12, 3:40 p.m.

Hi, I am brand new to build forge and starting to setup our build script.  We are using build forge on a windows build machine then once the build is complete, we want to deliver our files to a unix box.  I'm able to manually run the pscp command from a command line (pscp -r -pw <password> "<Workspace path to files>" <user>@<unix server>:/<unix directory>) but when I enter the command into a build forge step, it appears to just hang and then time out.  Here's the command I'm trying to run in build forge:

pscp -r -pw <password> . <user>@<unix server>:/<unix directory>

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Thank you!

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Aug 16 '12, 8:14 a.m.
 What you are describing should be possible.  I would throw a "-batch" onto the command you already have and see if that allows the step to fail, then troubleshoot from there.  My hunch is that it is hanging because it is waiting for a prompt from the user.


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