How do I run a build on Windows and Mac in parallel?
We have a currently existing build project for our product on Windows and I want to add building the product on Mac OSX. Since both builds need to synchronize to the same source I want the current build project to figure out the common data and then spawn off another project to synchronize to the same code on the Mac side and the build the Mac side. If I interleave the steps I run into the problem of the PATH environment variable being in the wrong format for one of the operating systems.
If I use .run to kick off a separate project and use '.bset env "PATH=<new PATH>" ' does this effect the project spun off with .run or does it effect the original project?
If I use .run to kick off a separate project and use '.bset env "PATH=<new PATH>" ' does this effect the project spun off with .run or does it effect the original project?
One answer
.run and then .bset in the subsequent step will only affect the original project. The .run project will run with a copy of the environment variables at the time of the .run getting called.
Alternatively you could create a shell project for Windows and OSX, and associate a specific environment for each and then inline the shared build process (assuming that the build process is the same between the two after the environment is set up). I like this solution better because the environment would then be saved as an environment in BF and if you need to edit it later or spin off different builds the parts will already be there.