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Accessing Environments and other links from Buildforge RAD plug-in

A B (1144) | asked May 25 '13, 7:05 a.m.

I have installed the buildforge plug-in for RAD 8.5 and from there I am able to access the projects that I have access to, submit them and look at the output step by step

So, the questions I have

  1. I also have access to modify the projects and environments etc. when logging on to the buildforge web-ui.  How can I access the same functionality from the RAD plug-in?
  2. Is there a way to get the complete log as a text file, rather than having to click and view each step's output - either from plug-in or web-ui?

Thank you

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered May 30 '13, 8:19 a.m.
 Is this the prism plugin for Eclipse?  That plugin only allows for starting a build, it provides no access to editing projects or environments.

There isn't any built-in way to get all the compiled logs in one text file.


A B commented May 30 '13, 8:29 a.m.

Thanks for the response.  Yes, it is the prism plug-in for eclipse.  Is there other mechanism / plug-in that would allow editing of projects and environments from RAD? 

If there is no built-in way to get the logs in one text file, does anyone know how it can be achieved?


Spencer Murata commented Jun 10 '13, 1:00 p.m.

You would have to write one yourself.  I don't think there is anything out there that does what you describe, but something certainly could be written to use the BF API to get done what you describe.  Same for the consolidation of the steps logs into a text file.  That is definitely achieveable through the API.


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