How about a Hello World development project?
2 answers
No, Money that Matters is much larger and more complex than what I want. I am talking about the very simplest coding project for the classic "Print Hello World on the screen" application. It can be in C, C++, Java, HTML, whatever. I'm trying to get my developers to understand the basic concepts of why we want to use CLM in the FDA-regulated environment we work in. Money that Matters is simply too huge for them to get their minds around for a first demo, and they keep objecting that their world is not that complex. It needs to be something small, very small, and very simple so they can see a direct comparison between HOW they are currently working on a product development effort, and HOW they would be working in CLM. They are getting totally lost in the complexity of the WHAT in Money that Matters.
I am not aware of anything simpler but it is possible that exist. I would be curios if anyone has built something simpler.
I am searching other places, but so far nothing has turned up.
Open the Eclipse client. Connect to a repository (on a test server). Open File>New>Example and in the wizard page select Team Concert Example Project Setup and run the wizard to get the example project created.