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Following links to DOORS requirements from RTC work items

I am using DOORS 9.4, DOORS Web Access 1.5, and RTC
From RTC, I can create a link to a DOORS requrement using the 'Implements Requirement' relationship.
When I try to follow the link, I get
HTTP Status 404 - /dwa/rdm
type Status report
message /dwa/rdm
description The requested resource (/dwa/rdm/) is not available
I have checked all my configuration settings, and can't seem to find my mistake. Any ideas on where to look?
*This post was edited to change RRC to RTC

More info: The work item will not save. The error is "There are problems modifying links that require the referenced resource to maintain a back link. Error accessing <long url="">: Not Found
If I create the link from the DOORS side, it works better, although the URL starts with "doors://" instead of "http://". I don't get any hover, and following the link opens the DOORS Protocol Handler instead of DWA.
Accepted answer

The use of ".../dwa/rm/..." is expected on working systems whereas ".../dwa/rdm/..." typically points to the relevant dbAdmin command not having been run.
Please refer to: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/doorshlp/v9/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.rational.dwa.install.doc/topics/t_setupddbs.html
You will see descriptions for the dwaHost, dwaProtocol and dwaPort parameters. These must be set for link rendering to work.
Note that link rendering will only work for links created after these options are applied.
One other answer

If it is RRC, when you say "Implements Requirement" do you mean the "Implemented By" link relationship?
With the "Implemented By" relationship I am surprised in the dialogue you can select the DOORS container because this type of relationship is used for linking requirements to work items (defects, tasks, stories, change requests) and not Requirement - Requirements.
Also if it is a custom link, and not a system defined link, I would again be very surprised that it would work across applications (RRC and DOORS).
If it is RTC, maybe this article will help https://jazz.net/library/article/624

Sorry, I did mean RTC. I edited my post to correct that. You are correct about the "Implemented By" relationship. That is what I am using. I took a look at the article, and I did not define a work item type or do a configuration template, but the rest of the article looks like exactly what I did as far as setup. Also, I have this working on another system - after I create the link to the DOORS requirement, I get rich hover, and when I follow the link the requirement opens in DOORS Web Access. The system where it's working happens to be RTC 9.4. I am not sure if it is a 9.3-to-9.4 difference, or if I have a setting wrong somewhere. Everything I can think of to check is the same.

I know there were some improvements were made to the OSLC linking to RTC between DOORS 9.3 and DOORS 9.4. I don't know if this is the problem you are seeing but it could well be the difference in versions.

The comment has a typo. It meant to say RTC vs RTC 4.0.x. Both systems are using DOORS 9.4.

I reverted the other system back to RTC, and the links still work there. The link that gets created on the working system looks like <server>:<port>/dwa/rm/urn:..... The link on the not-working system looks like <server>:<port>/dwa/rdm/?version=...
The root services URI for DOORS looks the same on both systems.