Jenkins and RTC Integration
Hello. I am trying to setup a Pipeline to work with RTC, but Jenkins (RTC Pool SCM) is not tracking change-sets properly. I don't know whether it is a mistake from my side or not.
When I change a line of code or add a new class file and then follow: Pending Changes → Check-in all → Deliver. Nothing happens. The log keep saying No changes.
"Rational Team Concert (RTC) Polling Log
Started on Jul 24, 2019 8:42:44 PM
RTC : checking for changes...
Determining if there are incoming changes using the build toolkit
Checking incoming changes for "admin build"
Reusing facade for D:\Program Files\IBM\RTC-BuildSystem-Toolkit-Win64-6.0\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit
RTC : No changes detected
Done. Took 0.19 sec
No changes"
Example of Pipeline code:
"pipeline {
agent any
triggers { pollSCM('/1 * * *') }
stages {
stage ("Stage One"){
steps {
checkout([$class: 'RTCScm', avoidUsingToolkit: false, buildType: [buildDefinition: 'admin build', customizedSnapshotName: '', value: 'buildDefinition'], overrideGlobal: false, timeout: 480])
Accepted answer
One other answer
Have you read
I saw some articles like those and I followed some of them to setup the environment. But I didn't find a clear article regarding pipelines.
I tried everything available in the network to make it work. But as I said before, I don't know if it is a fault from my side. It's my first time with Rtc and pipelines. I've done it before with other kind of source management.
Can you confirm to me that it is supported, at least?
Sridevi Sangaiah
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 25 '19, 1:32 a.m.Jose C
Jul 25 '19, 2:12 a.m.Thank you for your answer. I will try it when I get home.
Jose C
Jul 25 '19, 5:22 p.m.Hello, I am sorry for my late feedback. Yes, I can see the Pending Changes in my build workspace.
Jose C
Jul 26 '19, 10:58 a.m.It was solved. I don't know if it is a mistake from my side or an issue but I have added: credentialsId: 'credential', overrideGlobal: false, serverURI: 'https://localhost:9443/ccm'
Ralph Schoon