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Two languages in a Team's Dashboard - English and Chinese

John Schilt (6111822) | asked Aug 13 '12, 9:03 p.m.
retagged Aug 14 '12, 2:08 a.m. by Nhi P Ta (18841018)

We have this project in JazzHub :  INFO5001 USYD, and a team area called Team M 20c.

The dashboard for the team has a number of widgets.  Some of these widgets have descriptions in their Title in English - others in Chinese.    

How is this possible ?  Is it becuase the language / locale setting on the member's browser was set to Chinese when they created the Widget ?  Is there any way to change this other than to delete and recreate the Widget using a browser that has english language as its setting ?


John Schilt

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 15 '12, 2:33 a.m.
Hi John,

I tried to share my findings here:
I am not sure if the language setting in the browser at creation time of the widget has the effect you see, but certainly the server settings and the language of the process template has.

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John Schilt (6111822) | answered Aug 15 '12, 4:04 a.m.
Thanks Ralph.

We have not found out why it happened - but the students got back to me saying that it was easy for them to change the Chinese works for English words.

From the Dashboard - select the Widget in question.  Select the Menu (twistie) and then Select Appearance.  In the Appearance form - the first field is called Title.   Changing the contents of the Title Field should change the Title bar of your Widget.

Thanks to the students in project INFO5001 USYD for pointing this out.


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