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view QM atrifacts with CCM License

Suzanne Adams (16189) | asked Aug 10 '12, 4:36 p.m.
retagged Aug 12 '12, 4:43 p.m. by Nhi P Ta (18841018)
We are using RTC in our development organizations and are now piloting RQM.  We need the development teams (that have floating developer licenses in RTC) to be able to view RQM artifacts.  Do they need an RQM license?  if not what setup needs to be done so that they can view the QM test plans, cases, scripts, etc...

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Nhi P Ta (18841018) | answered Aug 13 '12, 2:41 a.m.
Developer CAL should enable you to have read access to RQM. Refer to this URL on infocenter for confirmation.

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