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How/where do you set permissions for the Database option for Enumerated Lists [RTC 4.0]

In 4.0 I see the option to store an Enumeration in the Database rather than the process specification. This lets me give someone permission to update (or at least extend)
an enumerated list without having to give them rights to update the Process Spec.
Sounds like an excellent advancement.
Looking for information and where/how to set these permissions.
There is blurb in the InfoCenter (below), but I haven't found additional help.
From CLM4.0 InfoCenter:
Note: When you define a new enumeration,you can store it in the process
specification or the database. If you store the enumeration in the database,
you can add new values to the enumeration directly from the work item editor, even if you do not have permissions to modify the process specification. You still require permissions to add new values.
4 answers

Hi Marcia,
not sure if I got your message well ... what the note says is that process permissions are not needed for the user adding new enumeration values once permission is granted in the process (" Create new Enumeration value " permission).
But the user that modifies the " Create new Enumeration value " permissions needs process modification rights.
not sure if I got your message well ... what the note says is that process permissions are not needed for the user adding new enumeration values once permission is granted in the process (" Create new Enumeration value " permission).
But the user that modifies the " Create new Enumeration value " permissions needs process modification rights.