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WebSphere configuration question

2 answers

If you are upgrading you have to use the ports you use today. If you are installing fresh, I would suggest to setup IHS as proxy to have a common public URI (the one at the proxy). In this case the port number and the profile you install to does not matter, because the applications don't have it in the public URI. If you don't you have to stay with different ports unless you do a server rename, which is limited to a few scenarios today.
I am not sure if you would see performance differences.

Hi Ralph,
Do you see the benefit of using different app servers for JTS and CCM on the same machine (vertical scaling)? Based on rational recommendation, distributed topology has better performance. I am not sure if using different Java VMs (different WAS servers) on the same machine can also provide some obvious performance improvement? (This may be related to what "T M" asked: different profiles certainly need different was servers:-))

Frank, I have never measured it. I was usually doing it to have different "virtual hosts" so that I could, in theory, move the applications to other machines later. However, with the proxy, this is solved and it is always possible. Two profiles on one machine will have a higher RAM footprint, or suffer from fewer RAM as far as I can tell, because both use a different VM.

A profile defines the JVM and memory settings for an application. Deploying to different profiles ensures that each application is getting the appropriate amount of memory allocated to it. So sharing a WAS profile for two apps (jts and ccm) is not recommended.
Any comment?

As long as you have enough resources on the machine to be able to run two profiles....

The JVM used by applications is not at profile level but server level as I understand. So one can use two servers within a profile. Ideally distributed topology can be used across machines.

Frank, there are differences between WAS and WAS ND. With WAS, I believe I recently learned, there will be one VM per profile. At least I could see n java processes for n profiles running. (We did stuff like that for the CLM2011 upgrade workshop.)
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 01 '12, 12:06 p.m.It might be worth posting this question on the WebSphere forum on dev works as well http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=266