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Can I enable SAML SSO with WebSphere 8.5 ( without Liberty Server) to Single Sign On to CLM 6.0.1 apps

Can I enable SAML SSO with WebSphere 8.5 ( without Liberty Server) to Single Sign On to CLM 6.0.1 apps?
Currently we are using Apache Tomact in development and WAS 8.5 in production , and we enabled SSO via LDAP to access jazz apps( CCM, RM, QM apps) within CLM 6.0.1. Now, I wanted to upgrade from LDAP SSO to SAML SSO, can I do it using Web Sphere Application Server or Do I have to install WebSphere Liberty server and JAS in order to use SAML SSO with CLM 6.0 apps?
If I have to upgrade from WAS to WAS Liberty, what are the software and installation steps needed?
One answer

There is some misunderstanding there. The Jazz Authorization Server is indeed based on WebSphere Liberty, but the CLM applications do not need to run on WebSphere Liberty. So there is no "upgrade from WAS to WAS Liberty" at all.
All you need to do is install the Jazz Authorization and enable the existing CLM applications with JSA SSO.
All you need to do is install the Jazz Authorization and enable the existing CLM applications with JSA SSO.