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How to import an Eclipse project and linked with (managed by) RTC client

Wei Huang (748) | asked Jul 27 '12, 2:47 a.m.
edited Jul 27 '12, 2:47 a.m.
 I'm using RTC client, and install it against an Eclipse 3.6 code base.

It's true that after I loaded some folders from a RTC component, the Eclipse projects could be found automatically (into a working set) and then managed by the RTC client.

However, my question is : if I manually deleted some projects, is there any way to re-import them back?

Of course, the "re-import" I mean is to make sure they are managed by RTC again - rather than the normal Eclipse import.


Wei Huang commented Aug 09 '12, 10:48 p.m.

Sorry, actually the "delete" here I mean is to remove the project in Eclipse workspace, but NOT check the "delete the project contents on disk" option.

Accepted answer

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Aug 10 '12, 2:48 a.m.
Hi Wei,
             Once you add an eclipse project to RTC Source control -> using Team->Share project, It comes under RTC managed state. Going forward, irrespective of whether the eclipse project exists or not, loading the components from RTC into the workspace -> will give you the project in the java perspective for e.g. and you should be able to perform RTC Operations using the Team option itself.
Wei Huang selected this answer as the correct answer

Wei Huang commented Aug 10 '12, 3:09 a.m.

Thanks Valli, the function Team -> Share project is really what I want and it works!!

One other answer

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Jorge Diaz (8664434) | answered Aug 09 '12, 7:45 a.m.
Hi Wei,

if you delete some projects from your Eclipse workspace, you can get the contents back loading it again. In RTC there is a distinction between your local workspace (aka sandbox), and the repository workspace, which a safe copy on the server of your personal work. You can load your local sandbox from your repository workspace and the missing contents you locally deleted will be back. The things you won't have is all the work you didn't "check-in", as the check-in operation is the one that consolidates your local changes into the repository workspace.

You can try doing either of:

 - In your pending changes view, right click your workspace and select "Load", then go through the wizard.
 - In you Team Artifacts view, there is a node called My Repository Workspaces. Just right-click and load as before.



Wei Huang commented Aug 09 '12, 10:54 p.m.

Hi Jorge,

Thanks a lot for the answer.

But I'm sorry I didn't make my question clear. Actually I didn't delete the project contents in disk - I just remove the project. So I want to know how to restore/import the project back into RTC-managed state again - i.e. after the project is re-imported, the context menus should be RTC specific as well.

Thanks, Wei.

Jorge Diaz commented Aug 10 '12, 2:26 a.m.

Hi Wei, could you explain what operations did you perform? You did a delete from the eclipse workspace but keeping the project contents on disk?

Wei Huang commented Aug 10 '12, 3:15 a.m.

Hi Jorge. Yes, after I loaded the components from RTC repository. All the Eclipse plugins are automatically found and imported into the Eclipse workspace - in RTC-manged state. And actually in that time I don't want some ones to be shown up, e.g. the language specific fragments (.nl1 and .nl2 plugins), so I REMOVED them - but didn't delete the contents in disk. Now I have to check-in the language specific files, so I use the Eclipse built-in IMPORT project function to import the language fragment again. But you can't perform the RTC actions on the imported project any more. So here is my question. Fortunately, the answer from Valli L below resolved this problem. It's great - thank you and Valli.

Jorge Diaz commented Aug 10 '12, 3:43 a.m.

Glad to hear it helped. However, if these projects were already under RTC source control you rather want to reload them from RTC (Load operation and bring them back). The removal operation got the files off your local sandbox, but not from RTC repository, not even your own repository workspace. Sharing projects is for new contents you want to store under RTC SCM.

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