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RTC - SCM - Events

Mahari Hill (4861183230) | asked Feb 16 '16, 2:08 p.m.
edited Feb 16 '16, 2:37 p.m.
CLM 502
Eclipse Client


Just a clarification when you do a

Project->Source Control->(Stream)->Show Events
  • jdoe added component (component) to stream (Stream) from workspace jdoe (Stream)
  • jdoe associated the snapshot '' with stream (Stream)
  • jdoe replaced component 'Component' in stream (Stream) with baseline ''
I see these 3 things, which one is manual, and which are from a build? Is there anything else that can be said? We have some strange things happening and people are confused on who did what.

More Info:

I guess our main concern is
  • jdoe replaced component 'Component' in stream (Stream) with baseline ''
  • jdoe replaced component 'Component' in stream (Stream) with baseline 'ProjectStream_20160212'
John Doe says he did a build, and also created a snapshot. I can understand the build replacing a component, but why did creating snapshot '' "replace" a component? Or did he do something?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 17 '16, 2:20 a.m.
If you run a JBE Build, all activities in the build are done by the user that is used to run the Build Engine. This is typically not jdoe, but a technical user such as build or buildmeister.

The build will usually not replace a baseline, unless you do something like that in the build scripts. A build usually accepts data into a repository workspace, creates a snap shot etc. A build usually does nothing to the stream that is changing it, except creating the snapshot and the baselines related to it. If you want to do anything active (like a deliver), it would have to be done in the build script e.g. using the SCM command line.

There is one exception, which is the post build deliver operation, which today actually does not deliver from the stream you build in the workspace, but replaces the baseline for components in the target green stream with the baseline used in the build. Again, the user that would show in the history should be the user running the build engine, rather than the user requesting the build.
Mahari Hill selected this answer as the correct answer

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