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Add a widget to the dashboard to find a workitem by number

2 answers

In the Quick Search on top-right of the Dashboard, if you enter a WI number, it will appear ... however, I have not found a way to use 'wild cards' (partial number) there.

I knew there was something obvious i was missing. I didn't eve see that quick search until just now.. Thank you

I use wild cards all the time in my quick search. The only draw back is it will get too many hits. In particular if the character string is referenced with in another work item.

Hello Ginny, agree that you can create queries on e.g. Summary 'contains' some string piece ... however, for a query with a condition on work item Id, the only options I see (RTC 3.0.1) are 'is', 'is not', 'greater than or equals' and 'less than or equals', i.e. in 3.0.1 there is no way to search on a 'partial' work item Id (e.g. 343* search for Id 34312)