How to cancel a save operation?
Is there any way to cancel a save operation from a IWorkingCopyListener? I've added new fields to the workitem overview page using the custom attribute mechanism, along with some error checking on the few fields in my listener that implements IWorkingCopyListener. However, I have some problem in stopping the save operation when the error checking fails. I've attempted to throw an OperationCancelException (which is used when the error checking fails in the "Estimate" field), but this doesn't work in my case because the listener is running asynchronously with the UI thread.
One answer
Listeners cannot cancel the operation. You could register an IOperationAdvisor for the "" operation in your service plug-in and do the error checking there. This will additionally work for the Web UI.
aying wrote:
aying wrote:
Is there any way to cancel a save operation from a
IWorkingCopyListener? I've added new fields to the workitem overview
page using the custom attribute mechanism, along with some error
checking on the few fields in my listener that implements
IWorkingCopyListener. However, I have some problem in stopping the
save operation when the error checking fails. I've attempted to
throw an OperationCancelException (which is used when the error
checking fails in the "Estimate" field), but this doesn't
work in my case because the listener is running asynchronously with
the UI thread.