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Is it possible to access the JRS query in the RTC REST/ OSLC Implementations ?

Jazzuser user (681050) | asked May 09 '17, 1:26 a.m.

Hello All,

We have a usecase, wherein we need to access the JRS(Web) created query's result, using the REST/ OSLC URIs.

Is it possible to do this ?
If not, request you to suggest the way to do this.


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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered May 09 '17, 2:38 p.m.


Can you describe the use case? Why do you need the query result? It would be helpful to understand what the end goal is in case there's a better way to do this.

Jazzuser user commented May 10 '17, 2:02 a.m.

Hello Jim,
We are developing a schedule utility wherein, we are syncing the severity of defect workitem to problem workitem, where there is severity mismatch.
So we are planning to have a JRS query created which queries this mismatched workitems.
then we will use this query id to pass through the REST/ OSLC API and fetch the results and do further processing (syncing).

Request you to suggest on this.


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