This build has been automatically abandoned by the build engine
This build has been automatically abandoned by the build engine 'MDM Primary Build Server'.
This can happen if the build engine stops while it is processing a build, or if it fails to communicate with the server (e.g. due to the server crashing, or a network break). As a result, the build is left in the in-progress state.
1. Where can I find more detailed log?
2. It's a Jazz Common Line build. Anything wrong with the follow script?
REM command pour rafraichir du rtc
REM cd C:\Workspace\rtcbuilduser\TestAutomationFramework
REM echo jazzpower1|C:\IBM\TeamConcert\scmtools\eclipse\lscm accept -v -u rtcbuilduser
xcopy /S /Y /I C:\Workspace\rtcbuilduser\TestAutomationFramework\soapUIPro\Tests c:\TOOLS
copy /Y C:\Workspace\rtcbuilduser\TestAutomationFramework\S5_clientinfimgnt_LocalDev-soapui-project.xml c:\TOOLS\
echo on
cd c:\TOOLS\%1
del *.xls
cd ..
copy /Y preSetup.xls preSetup.bak
del preSetup.xls
copy /Y preSetup.bak %1
for /f %%i in ('dir *.xls /b') do (
cd %1
copy /Y preSetup.bak preSetup.xls
cd ..
"C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-Pro-4.5.0\bin\testrunner.bat" C:\TOOLS\S5_clientinfimgnt_LocalDev-soapui-project.xml -s"TestSuite For Sprint 6b Preparatory_data for MDM" -c"%1 Env_Prep" > taOut1.txt 2>&1
cd %1
del preSetup.xls
cd ..
del *.txt
copy /Y %%i %1
"C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-Pro-4.5.0\bin\testrunner.bat" C:\TOOLS\S5_clientinfimgnt_LocalDev-soapui-project.xml -s"TestSuite For Sprint 6b Preparatory_data for MDM" -c"%1 Env_Prep" > taOut1.txt 2>&1
"C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-Pro-4.5.0\bin\testrunner.bat" C:\TOOLS\S5_clientinfimgnt_LocalDev-soapui-project.xml -s"TestSuite For Sprint 6b" -c"%1 Env" > taOut2.txt 2>&1
cd %1
del "%%i"
cd ..
del *.txt
copy /Y preSetup.bak preSetup.xls
del preSetup.bak
3 answers
As the message says, this problem happens when the build engine can't communicate with the RTC server. So it is doubtful that the problem is with your build script. The most likely cause is that your server went down or there was a networking problem somewhere between the build machine and the server. That's what should be investigated first.
-- David Olsen, IBM Rational, Jazz Process Team