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getting CRRTC3529W when i try to start jbe.all my urls user name and passwords are correct

Find the commnad and the output i am getting
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse>jbe
-repository url -userId username -pass password -engineId engineID
CRRTC3529W: The execution of Jazz Build Engine completed with a non-zero return
code (RC=1). For more details, open the help system and search for CRRTC3529W.
2 answers

Is there anything else in the build log that came before the CRRTC3529W message? If not, you could also try adding the '-verbose' flag to see if any other information is provided.
If the build log was not able to get published to the build result, check the JBE working directory for a file with name: "build-(some number).log"
Also, for additional information that might provide clues, is jbe.exe being called using either Build Forge / Hudson / Jenkins integration, or custom command-line / scripts or simply through a regular RTC build definition, etc.
Also, please see the following forum topic to see if any of the issues identified there are the same one's you are encountering: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/92187/jbe-error-in-hudon-build
If the build log was not able to get published to the build result, check the JBE working directory for a file with name: "build-(some number).log"
Also, for additional information that might provide clues, is jbe.exe being called using either Build Forge / Hudson / Jenkins integration, or custom command-line / scripts or simply through a regular RTC build definition, etc.
Also, please see the following forum topic to see if any of the issues identified there are the same one's you are encountering: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/92187/jbe-error-in-hudon-build

Hi David,
Find below the full log
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse>jbe
-repository url -userId user-pass pwd -engineId engineId -verbose
CRRTC3507E: Invalid arguments used for authentication. Specify one of the follow
ing combinations (-userId and [-pass or -passwordFile]) or (-certificateFile and
[-pass or -passwordFile]) or (-smartCard and -userId). For more details, open t
he help system and search for CRRTC3507E.
Example usage: jbe -repository https://repository:9443/jazz -userId buildUser -p
ass myPassword123 -engineId engine1
Required arguments:
-repository <repository address> (address of a Jazz repository)
One of the following:
1. -userId <user id> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository) AND (-
pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path>)
2. -certificateFile <certificate file path> (the file containing the user's lo
gin certificate) AND (-pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path
3. -smartCard (tells JBE to use the connected smart card for authentication) AND
-userId <user id>
Optional arguments:
-engineId <engine id> (engine id of a build engine defined in the Jazz reposit
ory, default is "default")
-repositories <repositories file path> (path to file containing info about one
or more repositories and their credentials)
-passwordFile <password file path> (path to a file created with -createPasswor
-sleepTime <seconds> (sleep interval for build request polling, default is 30
-verbose (for detailed logging of build engine activity)
For additional information about the Jazz Build Engine and its arguments (e.g. -
createPasswordFile) please see the readme.txt located in the "buildsystem" direc
CRRTC3529W: The execution of Jazz Build Engine completed with a non-zero return
code (RC=1). For more details, open the help system and search for CRRTC3529W.