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Importing Work items from MPP not creating in order

Dhanya Saseendran (8831621) | asked Jul 18 '12, 5:48 a.m.
I belong to the Tools deployment team and deploy RTC3.0.1 for many projects. We find a difficulty in this capability of importing Work items into RTC3.0.1 thru MPP. We try to leverage this capability to build the WBS templates in RTC3.0.1. But we are facing a problem here.

What we do

  1. Create the WBS in MPP. - The fields that we use is only the Task name (schedule or effort is not taken from here)
  2. Save in XML format
  3. Import into RTC 3.0.1
  4. Create a Query to extract these work items
  5. Create a template
But when importing XML file into RTC 3.0.1 the order of Work items getting created in RTC is always not in the exact order of the tasks listed in MPP. Because of this the resultant WBS order is not correct. Hence we are not using this capability.

Can anybody help us to understand what is to be done so as to create the work items in RTC as per the order mentioned in MPP?

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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Jul 19 '12, 12:02 p.m.
Currently the WBS ID or the Outline Number in the MSP is not considered while imported, That is the reason why the order sometimes. That might be the reason why the order might not be the same.
On the planning side we have an Enhancements on the sorting. Creation date based sorting on Plan web client when no sorting option specified (214681)

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