Consecutively having to run the DM finalize app wizard step - why?
I observed that I do have to run the finalize application setup wizard step for the DM app even if it has been run before successfully. So my question is whether this is by design or whether in the near future this particular wizard step would align with all the other finalize application wizard steps of the remaining CLM apps where it is possible to skip this step once it has been ran successfully during past setup cycles? This has been observed in the V4 M9 milestone.
Additionally my observation here is, that it seems to be impossible to run the DM finalize application wizard step for a 2nd time cause step #8 or so would cause an error if doing so.
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In the first paragraph you mention that you are trying to run the DM finalize step twice.
In the second paragraph you mention that you encounter problems when running the DM finalize twice.
The DM finalize step initializes the server by performing tasks such as creating project areas and installing core system domains. Once these default domains are created, they really should not be recreated on the same server. Is there a reason why you are trying to run the DM finalize step twice?
Well this is my scenario:
I was setting up CLM 2012 including RM, CCM, QM and DM. I figured that I was getting a NOT_CONFIGURED error for RM while trying to initialize the JKE Banking sample. So I decided to run the setup wizard again.
My expectation here is that I would be able to skip any finalize application wizard step except the RM finalize wizard step because the latter seems to be incomplete due to the NOT_CONFIGURED error I mentioned earlier.
Tho, contrary to my expectation I was forced to run the DM finalize application step again despite the fact it has been completed successfully. So it's not possible to skip that step. That's paragraph one above.
In paragraph two I describe what will happen if I do have to run the DM finalize application wizard step again which is an HTTP 500 error occurring somewhere around step 8 of the DM finalize application wizard step.
So I am not "trying" to run the DM finalize wizard step twice, I am actually forced to do so because it can't be skipped like any other finalize application step of any other CLM app!
Hope that helps...
I assume you are running the setup from https://servername:port/jts/setup.
If so, on the left side of the page, you will see items such as RATIONAL JAZZ TEAM SERVER, CONFIGURATION APPLICATION (/vvc), DESIGN MANAGEMENT (/dm), LIFECYCLE PROJECT ADMINISTRATION (/admin), and FINISH SETUP.
Can you try accessing the setup step for RM from there (i.e. clicking one of the items on the left side of the page) please?
I tried that, that is re-entering https://servername:port/clm4-jts/setup (my JTS context root really is clm4-jts) and it is not possible to jump to lets say to "Requirements Management(/rm)" because the left-handed navigation bar is greyed out in the beginning. So I suppose you really have to make your way through to complete setup sequence each time and there's actually no way to skip certain steps (e.g. CCM, DM and QM) in cases where the setup wizard was ran successfully already in the past.
As a workaround, you can try entering https://servername:port/jts/customSetup#/steps/13 (replace 13 with the step number that brings you to the RM setup step) -- this seems to work when I tried it to access the Configuration Application, Design Management, and Lifecycle Project Administration. You may have to wait a few seconds for the page to finish loading.
Have you also checked with RM about the NOT_CONFIGURED issue?
1 vote
Yep in the end I figured that you could skip or explicitly access certain steps by entering the step number as part of the URL in the address bar. No I didn't check with RM concerning the NOT_CONFIGURED issue. Do you think I should file a defect?