DM 4.0 M8: Anybody with experience in deploying profiles onto DM server?
Accepted answer
I just posted a tutorial RSASystemProfileDeploymentTutorial ""
1) Please follow the tutorial with your server to see if you can get it working. Use the models attached with the tutorial.
2) Then, try import your profile (ACT) and instance model to see if you can get it working.
3) Then, try upload scenario. Note: For Upload scenario, you will need to do the following.
-from instance project's configuration space, add dependency to "RSA System Domains (Version 8.5)" snapshot
-make instance project area DM managed
-Add domains (RSA UML Domain, RSA Sketcher Domain etc.)
Please give a try and let me know. Thanks.
9 other answers
Here is how to do it in 4.0. We will update our online documentation shortly.
(Note: You need to use Firefox, not
IE. please refer to workitem 28719: Failing
to import UML profiles using IE. The issue is fixed in M9, but not in M8)
1) Go to "Domains" project area, select Import->Profile
Import Profiles web page shows up.
2) From "Import Profiles" web page, select Add
Add your profile jar files
3) Select Import button to start the import
Wait for import to complete. It may take few minutes (Note, you
may hit workitem 28073: Profile/Library import status is inaccurate), be
4) Navigate to "Domains" project area's Designs->Explorer
5) Select Domains viewpoint.
Verify that the newly imported profiles are listed.
6) Create a new snapshot of "Domains" project area named domainsSnapshot1
7) Create your own instance project area named Project1
8) Go to Project1
9) Create a configuration space
10) Add dependency to domainsSnapshot1 from Project1 configuration space. (Open current configuration. Go to Dependencies tab. Add a dependency to domainsSnapshot1. Save.)
11) Create Import definition and import your instance models
into Project1
The instance models will reference profiles in "Domains" project area.
Please let me know if you need further clarification....
Hi Petter,
Please try to verify that you have project dependency set up properly. After importing profiles into "Domains" project area, you need to create a snapshot of "Domains" project area, and your instance project area needs to have dependency to that snapshot. Step 6-10
If you have this done properly, please try to execute import scenario (instead of Upload scenario) to see if your problem is specific to Upload....
In the meantime, I will try to create a Viewlet tutorial with the steps and will post that viewlet here soon.
I investigated the issue a little bit more closely and believe that the issue may be caused by different profile tooling registration.
In your case, you use the following format to register your profile tooling plugin
<extension id="ACT UMLProfiles" name="ACT UMLProfiles" point="org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core.Pathmaps">
<pathmap name="ACT" plugin="" path="profiles"/>
However, the profile tooling jar in my example, the profile tooling plugin is registered using the following way
id="Profile UMLProfiles"
name="Profile UMLProfiles"
id="Profile UMLProfiles"
name="Profile UMLProfiles"
Do you have extension piece in your profile tooling plugin?