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RTC 3 - SCRUM - plan - view as "planned time" - Eclipse Client

Yaron Norani (47267065) | asked Jul 15 '12, 2:29 a.m.

I am using RTC3 and process is SCRUM.
From the web client we use the "planned time" view in order to browse the plan and see the time frame (at the right).
I mean the for each work item you can see at the right the time and options such "show today" etc.

We would like to see the same from the Eclipse Client.
Is it supported? If so, how to configure?


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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Jul 16 '12, 4:18 p.m.
If you mean the Gantt-chart like view showing the Calendar days and bars for the work item duration, that is not available in the Eclipse client (not in RTC 4.0, either).

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