Post-build deliver from ANT
3 answers
No, I'm using Hudson/Jenkins build definition. Thanks.
Regards, Bernd.
Ah ok. We haven't implemented a post-build deliver participant that the Hudson definition can use, so you will have to put something at the end of the build.xml to deliver the changes via the SCM CLI.
ok. I was trying to find a way to make it independent from the chosen engine.
We build using an ANT JBE build definition, creating a snapshot during the build. We would like to use the post-build deliver participant to deliver this snapshot to the SAME stream that the repository workspace that was built flows from. But as I have read, when using the post-build deliver participant the affected components are REPLACED with the baselines in the snapshot. This implies (as I would think) that any changes that are delivered to the stream during the build are lost.
As an example, when we perform a build a snapshot is created, say "V1", with baselines on the components. During the build changes are delivered to the stream by developers. After the build the component is replaced by the contents of snapshot (baseline) "V1". Before the replacement a baseline is created on the component automatically, named "backup before replace V1". So the changes that were checked in are lost, because they are in baseline "backup before replace V1" and not in the current baseline, "V1".
Is this correct? How can we deliver the snapshot and still not lose changes made during the build?
That sounds correct. Why are you checking in and delivering items to the same stream during the build though? Sounds like you might be better off with using the Ant tasks to accomplish exactly what you want.
We have one stream everyone is working on (Release X). Sometimes we build a current version of this release which will then be deployed to test. But every couple of hours we do a scheduled build as well. During these builds people may check-in the changes they made in the meanwhile.
I think that the post-build deliver feature is only to be used to flow changes to a special stream. You also get a warning when flowing from multiple builds to the same stream, which indicates to me that there is some danger here ;-)
Can you tell me how the Ant task to do a deliver is called? I seem to have troubles to find good documentation about Ant commands in a build...
Thanks once again!
Bernd van Oostrum
Feb 22 '13, 5:47 a.m.When using the "Ant - Jazz Build Engine" to create a build definition, there is a posibility to configure a post-build deliver participant. However, this is not available for the "z/OS Dependency Builds" template.
Using the commandline (SCM), it is possible to do create a post-deliver as well. However, a login into the RTC-server is needed which slows down the build.
I'm looking for the ANT-task to deliver the snapshot into the stream. Does it exist?