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exporting the plan to excel

Naveen Chandani (4812022) | asked Jul 12 '12, 6:07 a.m.

I created a project area using Formal template. I planned for few workitems and took a planned snapshot. The planned start and end dates were updated in the workitems. Now I want to export this plan in excel or CSV for those who cannot access RTC.Is it possible. I tried creating a query as well but I couldn't find Planned start and end date in the displayed column section.

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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Jul 16 '12, 4:25 a.m.
edited Jul 16 '12, 4:26 a.m.
 RTC Plan does not have a feature to export the plan into a CSV. But you can export the content to a Microsoft Project XML. 
Below is the current mapping.
Rational Team Concert
Microsoft Project XML

Plan name

Project name

Plan's iteration start date

Project start date

Plan's iteration end date

Project finish date

Parent work items

Summary Task

Leaf work items


Work item summary

Task name

Work item parent-child hierarchy

Outline number / Outline level

Work item description

Task Notes

Work item estimate / corrected estimate if set

Task Duration/Work

If timespent less than estimate; difference between timespent and estimate else zero

Remaining Duration

Timespent on the work item

Actual Work / Actual Duration

First state transition to in progress state group

Actual start

Timespent >= estimate

Percentage Complete is 100% else 0%

Constraint Type

Constraint Type

Constraint Date

Constraint Date

Due date of the work item


Owner of the work item

Used to generate the Resource and Task assignment information

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