Life cycle automatic generated mails
If we have a life cycle defined in a community. We noticed that the lifecycle automatically generate email notifications to the asset submitter, and these emails are out of our control. Is there a way to turn off the life cycle automatically generated emails? or even can it be modified.
Let me give you a more specific example:
An asset submitter will receive email whenever there's a state change, also whenever a reviewer approves or rejects the asset. We think emails are sent whenever there's a state change is sufficient, it's not necessary to send email whenever a reviewer approves or rejects the asset. These emails all have title starting with "[Lifecycle]".
Is this kind of configuration can be done?
2 answers
Each individual user can make that decision. On their user page they can decide what they are interested in. If they aren't interested they can turn it off. It shouldn't be up to some administrator to unilaterally decide what the user is interested in seeing.
Note: After stating all of that. There is a way for the administrator to configure the defaults for users (which users can then individually override if they wish). This is on the configuration page.
(RAM only)
Note: After stating all of that. There is a way for the administrator to configure the defaults for users (which users can then individually override if they wish). This is on the configuration page.
(RAM only)