SDK Jazz - Getting files and folder in a Baseline
I need get a list of folders and files in a baseline.
Currently I have the following code to get all the folders in a component inside a stream, but this code gives to me all the content of the component (every files delivered). I only want the files that were in a baseline.
I'm sorry for my english....
for (Iterator<IComponentHandle> a = componentes.iterator(); a
.hasNext();) {
IComponentHandle comphandle = (IComponentHandle) a
IComponent component = (IComponent) itemManager
IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
String idcomponente = component.getItemId().toString();
String nomcomponente = component.getName();
* Se encuentra el baseline en que el componente esta en
* el stream
IBaseline baseline = jts.obtenerBaseline(repo,
itemManager, wm, streamConnection, comphandle,
String nombaseline = baseline.getName();
String fechabaseline = baseline.getCreationDate()
ic = (IConfiguration) streamConnection
root = ic.rootFolderHandle(monitor);
List<IFolderHandle> proyectos = comp
.encuentraProyectos(ic, root, monitor);
for (IFolderHandle iFolderHandle : proyectos) {
// Here I get the files
public List<IFolderHandle> encuentraProyectos(IConfiguration ic,
IFolderHandle root, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException,
Exception {
UtilidadesJazzRepository jts = new UtilidadesJazzRepository();
root = ic.rootFolderHandle(monitor);
List<IFolderHandle> proy = jts.obtenerCarpetasEnDirectorio(root, ic,
return proy;
public List<IFolderHandle> obtenerCarpetasEnDirectorio(IFolderHandle root,IConfiguration iconfig,IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException, IOException {
List<IFolderHandle> Listado = new ArrayList<IFolderHandle>();
Map childEntries = iconfig.childEntries(root,monitor);
Iterator it = childEntries.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry);
IVersionableHandle nextVersionable = (IVersionableHandle)pairs.getValue();
if (nextVersionable instanceof IFolderHandle){
return Listado;
One answer
I believe you need to get the IConfiguration associated with the baseline instead of the stream.
Maybe something like this:
//IWorkspaceManager#getBaselineConnection(IBaseline, IProgressMonitor)
IBaselineConnection connection = workspaceManager.getBaselineConnection(baselineHandle, monitor);
ic = connection.configuration();
Maybe something like this:
//IWorkspaceManager#getBaselineConnection(IBaseline, IProgressMonitor)
IBaselineConnection connection = workspaceManager.getBaselineConnection(baselineHandle, monitor);
ic = connection.configuration();