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Jazz email notification - "E-mail From Name" dynamic value

EclipseTalk . (32736161) | asked Jun 20 '12, 8:23 a.m.
edited Jun 21 '12, 11:47 a.m. by Seth Packham (1.4k42213)
Is it possible to use a dynamic value for the field "Email from Name" in the Email Notification in JTS.
The idea is that that the email being sent would appear to come from the logged in user. For instance, the  "Email from Name" field would have a value %userName% and the smtp server would translate the %userName% to, so that when the receiver of the email replied, it would be sent to the person who caused the tool to send them the email.

2 answers

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Jun 21 '12, 1:41 p.m.
The JTS mailer service API supports specifying the sender of a mail message, so it is up to the users of that service to decide  how to determine what the sender should be set to. For example, I believe it is the case that the JTS Process component, when sending a team invitation email, sets the sender to the user that added the new team member. But the RTC WorkItem component does not send mail inline with the saving of a work item; instead, a background task periodically checks for work items changes that have been accumulating, and sends out batches of mail - in that context, there is no notion of "currently logged in user" (the background task always runs as the built-in administrator account).

So if you would like to suggest that work item email allow the sender to reflect who made a change to a work item, feel free to submit an enhancement request for RTC by clicking on "Submit a Bug" under My Stuff.

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Jun 06 '13, 2:59 a.m.
edited Jun 06 '13, 3:33 a.m.
Hi Eclipse / John,

this is what I need, too.
As I did not find any enhancement request to this on by searching through the work items I created one by my own.
Enhancement268052 - "Email From Name" set to the email address of the work item "changer"


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