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How to notify all users of RTC?

Ramaprakash Ganesan (634) | asked Apr 23 '15, 2:10 a.m.
retagged Dec 04 '15, 2:42 p.m. by Michael Afshar (7014)
2 questions:

1. A reasonable thing to expect from an application is the ability to send a mail to all users informing them about maintenance activities (upgrades, planned outages, etc.). 
I dont see any option in the RTC UI for this, on the Jazz Server Home or Application (CCM) administration pages. 
How can I send a mail to all RTC users?

2. I see there is a System Alerts option, which can help to add a header message. Is it possible to edit the font size or color of it? 
The current font size is too small. Also, only a part of the message shows. One needs to click on the message to view it fully. Either the full message needs to show, or it needs to be a moving one. 

supreeth K S commented Dec 03 '15, 4:20 a.m. | edited Jul 04 '19, 6:13 p.m.


I'm looking to notify the RTC users about the outage plan. currently we are in RTC v4.0.6.
Can I know where exactly I can update the information so that users get notified ?
I tried with above steps, but after going to manage project area > I didn't find Members option

Accepted answer

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Zeeshan Choudhry (6541612) | answered Dec 04 '15, 4:08 p.m.
edited Dec 05 '15, 8:58 a.m.
For System Alert option:

If you are concerned about the fonts are too small then probably you can use themes to temporarily set a bigger header alerts top of the WebUI page of each app
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

4 other answers

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SEC Servizi (97123860) | answered Apr 23 '15, 4:08 a.m.
1. We are used to send email to all our developers simply writing to the JazzUsers LDAP group.
2. We guess you could try to edit the CSS files from server plug-ins to get bigger font size, etc.

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Michael Afshar (7014) | answered Dec 04 '15, 2:41 p.m.
 Here is a topic on how to configure email settings:

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 05 '19, 3:09 a.m.

 Basically, there are the following options I am aware of:

  1. See Zee's accepted answer and create a theme that shows this in the Web UI. This is used by various customers.
  2. See Sec's answer and use LDAP or export users to create user lists and/or a subscription based email mechanism to alert users. Various customers use this for their environments.

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Sudipto Sarkar (631443) | answered Jul 22 '15, 2:54 a.m.
Hi - For your first question, this may help you.

Go to Manage Project Areas -> Members -> Select Required Members on checkbox -> Click on Member menu -> Click on Invite to join Team.
You will get a mail screen, edit the required fields like (headline and body).


Robert Dumnicki commented Jul 04 '19, 7:10 a.m. | edited Jul 04 '19, 6:09 p.m.
Hi Sud,

Yesterday I followed this instruction, assuming it's the simplest one, yet it had a very undesired side effect: RTC generated a set of standard tasks for joining the team (four tasks) per each notified user, subscribed me to these tasks and sent notifications to users and myself. So I ended up with 4900 e-mails, and moreover hundreds of users started asking me what these tasks are about, so I had to cancel them, which generated another set of notifications for them. It was a nightmare, I spent half a day cleaning this mess.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Jul 04 '19, 6:11 p.m. | edited Jul 04 '19, 6:12 p.m.

Yes, this would be an extremely bad way to notify users.   I've left this thread in the forum as a warning to everyone to not do this. 

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