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Email timezone is GMT+00:00 - how to change to GMT -8 (Pacific Time)?

How do I change the timezone of emails? Our server is in Singapore (GMT +8) but our clients are in Pacific Time (GMT -8). Yet our emails are stamped GMT +00:00 in RTC 4. RTC 2 had stamped them for the server time in Singapore. I would like all emails stamped for Pacific Time. Since the time stamp of emails has changed from what it was (and differs from server time), I assume this is now possible but I can't find it. I checked Email Settings in the JTS admin page, but no luck.
Mike Shkolnik
Apr 26 '13, 5:08 p.m.Even more ideal would be to have emails stamped with the time based on the timezone settings for each individual user, but that is not happening and I'm guessing is not an available feature at this time.