Is there any API available to fetch workitems type?
2 answers
Yes. Whatever Identifier value means in the context of a work item.
for a workitem , it will have a display name, which gets displayed in the UI and an identifier value like which will be used at the backened. How can we fetch it?
That is incorrect. As far as I am aware a work item das a unique ID/identifier like 345. is part of a name pattern that does not reveal any relevant information.
Since the question does not seem to be asked in an answerable way: You can find the available APIs here:
As far as I am aware a work item das a unique ID/identifier like 345. is part of a name pattern that does not reveal any relevant information in the context of the question.
Since the question does not seem to be asked in an answerable way: You can find the available APIs here:
Any work item has an ID - an integer as already stated. It is usually necessary to know the ID to access the work item in any API. If you have access to a work item the ID is always accessible.
A work item usually has a summary which is accessible in any supported API, if you have the work item.
A work item always has a type. This is accessible in any API I am aware of.
Ok Thanks for the info, identifier means the id of the workitem, But yes I want to fetch the type of all workitems in project area
Use OSLC query.
Do you have the OSLC query available?
Or perform a GET on a work item with Accept=text/turtle and look at that as an example of RDF content?