It would be great if it would be possible to have favorites for Library content and see that in MyStuff

Accepted answer

This could be straightforward to do, since we already know which ones you have marked as helpful (unless we aren't recording "who" marked it helpful -- I'll have to double check).
I've created the work item in our "private" JazzCS project area for my website team and put it in our backlog for consideration.
I've created the work item in our "private" JazzCS project area for my website team and put it in our backlog for consideration.
Arne Bister
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 20 '12, 7:45 a.m.Yes, that would be great. And the icing on the cherry on the cake would be if that "My Articles" view allowed to sort favorite articles into personal "hit lists" like "My Favorite SCM Articles" or "My Favorite articles on Jazz Extension" ...