Data Collection /Data warehouse
I know you had to turn on data collection for certain streams because it can get too huge. However I'm no longer able to find the location where I can turn on or off data collection for certain projects. If nothing else I just want to be sure its selected. We are using RTC 3.0.1
I used to have a link to the 'Administer SCM snapshot' page but it no longer works.
2 answers
People need to fill in the server-uri and projectArea to get to the list. The strange thing is the projectArea being in the url cause you can turn on/off data collection in other projects. I was unable to find where this link exists anywhere other than me typing it in.
Thanks for sharing this. Indeed, mysterious why the projectArea needs to be targetted. I assume any ccm projectArea is going to the same page? Anyway, the link is really useful. Great post,
- Arne
I cannot find this on my setup. I am using and would be very interested in this
Der M, You need to put the whole string into your browser. Except you need to fill in your information for 'server-uri' and 'project area'. You won't find this link anywhere to click on in the admin page which is why you need to fill in the data for your setup into a browser.
in e.g. RTC 3.0.1 / 4.0 I go to the Application administration page of ccm and choose Advanced Properties:
I search for "snapshot" in my browser and find:
Data Warehouse
which has a Boolean property IsSnapshotEnabled.
There are several more properties with this flag. I assume you can toggle single data warehouse snapshots like RRC, SCM, Work Items that way. Simply search for IsSnapShotEnabled flags in the Advanced Properties of the Admin page of the associated application.
Is this the answer you were looking for?
- Arne