Copy folder Structure within the same Requirements container
2 answers
Unfortunately, I know of no easy way to repeat the folder structure in the same project.
In RRC V3, there is the ability to create project templates, that can include the folder structure, so that any new RRC project can be created based upon a template. In V4, this was extended so project templates can be export/import between RRC repositories, but copying the folder structure and pasting it in the same project I am not aware of any tricks.
In RRC V3, there is the ability to create project templates, that can include the folder structure, so that any new RRC project can be created based upon a template. In V4, this was extended so project templates can be export/import between RRC repositories, but copying the folder structure and pasting it in the same project I am not aware of any tricks.
Thanks Robin!
Actually in RRC 4.0 you could accomplish the above functionality is by using the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF, provided in RRC 4.0). You can create your project and folder structure as you want it for orgnaisation. Then create single requirement artifacts in each one of the folders. Use the ReqIF facility to export the dummy artifacts to a ReqIF file that can be used to import and create a new folder structure based on the original. Once you've imported it then you can simply run a project query on the dummy artifacts and then remove them with a multi artifact delete.