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Not able to find Team Ownership or Team (RRC) in ODS for creating RRDI report

Sowmya C (768) | asked Dec 13 '13, 5:12 a.m.
 I am trying to create a report in RRDI to fetch the count of artifacts based on Team Ownership or Team.

Could some one help me on this?


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Petru Acsinte (1311) | answered Dec 19 '13, 10:08 a.m.

It depends on how you want to use that information.
First, it is available starting with CLM 405 only. And, in order to load the team membership info into the data warehouse, you need to enable (or better said, disable) the property named
"Ignore Roles and Membership Data"

Once that info is loaded, one could use ODS>Requirement.Owner ID joined with Team Related Members>Resource ID to get information about the team member.

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