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Deinstalling a failed RTC Shell Extension Installation

Daniel Stefan Haischt (21412322) | asked Jun 14 '12, 10:24 a.m.



I am trying to install the GA version of the RTC Windows shell extension. Unfortunatly the system had a previous RC snapshot already installed and the de-installation was unsuccessful. Tho, the Installation Manager entry has been removed.


Because of this it's not possible to install the more recent GA version. I suppose there are leftovers which were not deleted during the unsuccessful deinstallation cycle.


How to remove these kind of leftovers manually to get to a state where the GA driver of the shell extension could be installed?




Accepted answer

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 14 '12, 2:20 p.m.

I believe this was a defect in 4.0 M7 regarding clean uninstall of shell explorer on 64bit Windows 7. There is a .zip file attached to the defect or linked that will clean the registry.
Does this solve your problem? If not, please do open a defect on and reference the team who worked on above defect in the comments.

- Arne
Daniel Stefan Haischt selected this answer as the correct answer

Daniel Stefan Haischt commented Jun 15 '12, 4:18 a.m.

Hi Arne,

thanks for your quick reply. Using the registry cleaner ZIP helped indeed to get rid of the leftovers belonging to a previous, older installation.

Cheers Daniel

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