RAM Webservice: Where is documentation

I am looking at using RAM webservice. I could use it and do very minimal.
I am looking at the documentation for the webservice. The IBM Help at http://inblr-3dvesrvqa:13080/ram.help/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.ram.web.doc/topics/t_submit_new.html is having very minimal details and nothing about the individual methods, return types etc.
Where can I find the documentation?
I am looking at the documentation for the webservice. The IBM Help at http://inblr-3dvesrvqa:13080/ram.help/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.ram.web.doc/topics/t_submit_new.html is having very minimal details and nothing about the individual methods, return types etc.
Where can I find the documentation?
Accepted answer

The Webservices for RAM are not API and not to be used except internally within RAM. So there is no documentation on them. Also, the link referenced above is not about Webservices. That is all about the asset process (it talks about using the Web browser not web services) and how to link with other systems, such as RTC.
The official API into RAM are the REST services and the Java API. There is documentation on the REST services and on the RAM Java API. These are in the RAM docs. I can give you a link.
RAM REST (OSLC Asset spec version 1):
The official API into RAM are the REST services and the Java API. There is documentation on the REST services and on the RAM Java API. These are in the RAM docs. I can give you a link.
RAM REST (OSLC Asset spec version 1):

Thanks. But I could not see a way to submit asset using the REST API. Can you help? There is one, but it is Asset creation dialog. I am looking for something to which I can POST or PUT.

On the link to RAM REST specs there is a link to the instructions: