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RRC: How to include attribute information in documents?

Eric Cotton (4134) | asked Jun 13 '12, 10:11 a.m.
I’d like to be able to create a rich text document (within RRC) that includes not only links ("Insert Artifact") to RRC artifacts, but artifact attributes as well.  This would let me have, for example, a table of requirements in the doc that could include columns for the attributes and their values.  While I know that I can generate a report document (e.g. Requirements Specification) that would include attribute information, I don't have a lot of control over the layout.  I'd likely be able to do something like this with RRDI or Rational Insight, but neither are an option for me now.  Suggestions?


3 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jun 14 '12, 11:18 a.m.
Hi Todd, Eric,

When you say including the attribute information in an RRC artifact, you mean in the main rich text content area and not the sidebar correct?

The only way to get something similar to what you want is to generate the RRC artifact as either a PDF of MS Word, and store it as an externally uploaded artifact. The Report option allows you to specify the storing of the published artifact as part of the wizard, and allows you to choose a folder in the project structure.  In the Money that Matters sample we do this for some of the reports, like Requirements Specification, Traceability, and Audit.

Now if you want to control the format of the attributes, then you would need to customize report and upload it to the server for use by the rest of the team.

Alternatively you can create a view, that has both Primary Text and Attributes as columns but obviously this has screen width limits to how much you can show.

Eric Cotton commented Jun 14 '12, 11:26 a.m.

Yes, Robin, that is indeed what I meant. Thank you for your quick response! Pending any new capabilities, I think I can work with this.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jun 13 '12, 4:35 p.m.
Hi Eric,

With RRC there are 2 ways to create documents, one is via the artifact editor and to use the simple "Create PDF/Word) button to create a document that can include comments and attributes, via a check list or as you have already found the Requirements Specification report.

To customize the Requirements Specification report requires the use of another product called "Rational Publishing Engine"

This help topic provides some more details:

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Todd Dunnavant (571019) | answered Jun 14 '12, 10:54 a.m.
Hi, Robin,

Back to you for some clarification/further exposition.  Is it possible to create a document, in RRC, that includes attribute information?  Not a report, but an RRC artifact that shows this information.

Eric Cotton commented Jun 14 '12, 11:00 a.m.

Thanks for clarifying Todd. Yes, that was the intent of my original question.

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