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RRC Review Workflow

Mike Ballard (681610) | asked May 30 '14, 3:58 p.m.

The RRC Review uses a default workflow (Draft, In Progress, Reviewed, Finalized).  Is there a way to customize this workflow? 

I found this Plan Item Common Workflow Engine for Process Automation (60186) in the RRC Project.  However, since even it doesn't speak to the Requirements Review workflow I doubt it is customizable at this time, but thought I would ask anyway.


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Charlie Seo (22127) | answered Jun 01 '14, 8:33 p.m.
With my limited knowlege, I don't think RRC has a feature to enable a process or process template yet. I can see that it uses a process template for a project definition but I don't think it's designed to cope with customised process.

So I guess it's fair to say, customising review workflow is not available for now.

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