Rational Team Concert - Web version

One answer

@Terry - the reason you see this is because if you have case sensitivity turned ON, a login with USER123 (if this is what is in the jazz repository) can obtain the license, when user123 cannot. You can change the case sensitivity of the jazz server in the advanced properties.
@Robin - you may be incurring what Terry mentioned, or in other cases as described here (not enough licenses to be checked out). In this case, since it occurs when a user tries to save a record, make sure they have the appropriate license assigned (under their user profile), and that there are available licenses to be checked out. If this error is happening frequently, I would recommend running a Floating License Usage report to see if you are incurring license denials. If this is the case, it may be time to look into purchasing additional licenses.
@Robin - you may be incurring what Terry mentioned, or in other cases as described here (not enough licenses to be checked out). In this case, since it occurs when a user tries to save a record, make sure they have the appropriate license assigned (under their user profile), and that there are available licenses to be checked out. If this error is happening frequently, I would recommend running a Floating License Usage report to see if you are incurring license denials. If this is the case, it may be time to look into purchasing additional licenses.
Arne Bister
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 31 '14, 4:16 p.m.Robin,
while generally it would be helpful to know which version of RTC and exactly what client you are using, here the problem seems as simple as the description.
It would appear that you are logged in with a user which does not have the required license assigned for what you are doing. Can you please share what part of RTC you are trying to open and what licenses are assigned to your user?
- Arne
Robin Freeman
Jan 31 '14, 4:29 p.m.Hi, we are Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 4.0.1
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 07 '14, 2:46 a.m.If you have maned user licenses, you need to remove the license from users that don't need a license any longer. This is done when archiving a user. If you use floating licenses, the license should get grabbed if the user needs a license and is returned when logging out or after the 120 minutes timeout expires.
Terry Taylor
Feb 07 '14, 8:25 a.m.We have seen this when you fail to adhere to case sensitivity in the username.