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Logging message in RTC server plug-in static block

Geoff Alexander (19623948) | asked Jun 08 '12, 9:05 a.m.
I have a static block in one of my RTC server plug-in classes in which I would like to write a message to ccm.log.  How do I obtain the RTC server Log class in the static block?  Or is there some other way of logging messages in the static block?

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Andrew Niefer (7135) | answered Jun 08 '12, 10:36 a.m.
The server is using org.apache.commons.logging, you can get a logger using the static
Log log = LogFactory.getLog(YourClass.class);

By default I believe this will log to the server/logs/jazz.log file.
Logging settings are in server/conf/jazz/ if you want to add specific rules for YourClass.
Geoff Alexander selected this answer as the correct answer

Geoff Alexander commented Jun 08 '12, 11:35 a.m. | edited Jun 08 '12, 1:45 p.m.

Thanks Andrew.  Your answer solved my problem.

I had looked at using the class.  But this class only has a getLog(String componentId) method, and I wasn't sure what to pass in for the componentId.

Using the getLog(Class clazz) method from the org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory class as you suggest works like a charm.  In fact, the log message is written to the RTC log (ccm.log) rather than jazz.log file just as I want.  I suspect that the getLog(Class clazz) method "knows" that my class is part of an RTC server plug-in and so returns the RTC log rather than the JTS log.

scott herzinger commented Jan 07 '13, 1:28 p.m.

I have a similar need. My plugins extend AbstractService. Any comments on whether using AbstractService.getLog() is a good idea or not? It already appears to know how to find the componentId.

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