Error using the OSLC Example with Jazz Sandbox
I want to access the Sandbox with the sample Javacode from the OSLC workshop. I use the example 03 "Print out the content of the Service Providers catalog".
My settings in the main method are:
String password = "xxx"; // Set the associated password
//============== -------------------------------------- =============//
String rootServices = server + "/rootservices";
String catalogXPath = "/rdf:Description/oslc_rm:rmServiceProviders/@rdf:resource";
String serviceProviderTitleXPath = "//oslc:ServiceProvider/dcterms:title";
When I debug the sample it's all ok, I get the response body with the rootservice document.
But when I reach the authentication method in the httpUtils class: doRRCOAuth I get an exception.
When it tries to get the locationheader:
//Second GET
Header location = documentResponse.getFirstHeader("Location");
HttpGet request3 = new HttpGet(location.getValue());
the method documentResponse.getFirstHeader("Location"); returns a null value.
I have a Jazz Team Server environment in a VM-image and there the example works.
Has anyone an idea to this issue?
I want to access the Sandbox with the sample Javacode from the OSLC workshop. I use the example 03 "Print out the content of the Service Providers catalog".
My settings in the main method are:
String server = ""; // Set the Public URI of your RRC server
String JTS_Server = "";
String login = "xxx"; // Set the user login String password = "xxx"; // Set the associated password
//============== -------------------------------------- =============//
String rootServices = server + "/rootservices";
String catalogXPath = "/rdf:Description/oslc_rm:rmServiceProviders/@rdf:resource";
String serviceProviderTitleXPath = "//oslc:ServiceProvider/dcterms:title";
When I debug the sample it's all ok, I get the response body with the rootservice document.
But when I reach the authentication method in the httpUtils class: doRRCOAuth I get an exception.
When it tries to get the locationheader:
//Second GET
Header location = documentResponse.getFirstHeader("Location");
HttpGet request3 = new HttpGet(location.getValue());
the method documentResponse.getFirstHeader("Location"); returns a null value.
I have a Jazz Team Server environment in a VM-image and there the example works.
Has anyone an idea to this issue?
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I have reproduced your issue and have opened this defect:
Please subscribe yourself to the workitem to follow the discussion and any possible workarounds provided.