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OSLC Query to retrieve operators list for a specific field type

Ragul S (1729) | asked Jan 11 '17, 8:19 a.m.

I want to retrieve the list of operators that are applicable for a field based on it's type (String, number, date, etc).

Ex: I want to get list of operators (ex: between, equal to, not equal to)  for "Submit Date" field of the object type "Change Request"

How can i get this list using OSLC ?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 12 '17, 3:05 a.m.

Are you talking about OSLC in general, not for any Jazz products in particular? If so, check out the OSLC core query syntax.

Ragul S commented Jan 15 '17, 3:13 p.m. | edited Jan 15 '17, 3:14 p.m.

@DonaldNong : Thanks for the reply.  I want to query Clearquest records using OSLC. For filtering records i want to know for which field what operators are applicable.

Donald Nong commented Jan 15 '17, 6:32 p.m.

I didn't realize it's ClearQuest when you said "Change Request". See below API reference in this case - it links to the same spec anyway.

Note that for ClearQuest, at times you have to use the V1 spec.

And last but not least, ClearQuest related questions should be posted in the dW Answers forum.

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