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Any way to get around truncation of long multi-line values in OSLC ClearQuest API

Ben Spiller (2123) | asked Sep 25 '12, 6:01 a.m.
I was getting on really well with the OSLC API and nearly had my integration finished, when I very unexpectedly stumbled across this massive (though apparently 'known') limitation, that CQ will automatically truncate multi-line field values longer than about 2000 characters!

See here:

This is a deal-breaking problem for me as it means I get no longer use OSLC to reliably get the correct data from the database. Reconfiguring the server as suggested in the knowledgebase article above isn't likely to be allowed by IT (and even if it was, what would we set the maximum value to? It should really be controlled by the client/requester just like paging of large result sets and other operations that return lots of data - not hardcoded on the server). 

So I was wondering if there's any way to work around it? Is there an alternative API without this restriction? Is there  anything I could possibly set in my rest query to disable this behaviour?

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Sep 16 '13, 11:10 a.m.
This configuration change on CM Server looks like it's it.  There isn't some other way to get around the CMServer setting.  

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