Using OSLC API for DOORS: Export all requirement artifacts to Word/PDF
I am trying to download a report of all the requirement artifacts using Java and OSLC API. I can access individual artifacts but they are not saved as the way we see the page in DOORS. For my application, I need the linking between an Information and its Heading.
- moduleURI
- viewURI
- projectURI
2 answers
I am not sure I understood your question. Using Java and the OSLC API, you will be able to fetch the XML/RDF of the resources, not their HTML representation. For that reason, you cannot get the kind of information.
it is relatively easy to export the DOORS requirements into an Excel document. I did it few months ago against DOORS 6.0.x. I broke down the process into 2 steps. First I created a dump of the requirement into a repository ( in memory using a list, or into a Jena triple store). Then I used a java library - Apache POI - to populate an Excel sheet.
In order to improve the performance of your application, you could break down the process in pages and run the whole process using a java task scheduler and s
Hi Jean-Luc,
I will elaborate a bit more on what i want to do..
Yes, OSLC API support for modules is not up to snuff for now.
Have you tried the CSV export? There you do get access to the module and its artifacts.