Exporting test cases and test scripts using RQMExportImport Utility

I am trying to import one test case and test script and link them.
for e.g test case name as: TestCase1
test script name as: TestScript1
its importing both test script and test case name as TestScript1 only...Its not taking actual test case name which is TestCase1..
Is it bug of the utility / is there any reason behind this? please suggest..
I am trying to import one test case and test script and link them.
for e.g test case name as: TestCase1
test script name as: TestScript1
its importing both test script and test case name as TestScript1 only...Its not taking actual test case name which is TestCase1..
Is it bug of the utility / is there any reason behind this? please suggest..
One answer

In the Samples/ directory under your utility's installation directory there is a sample called "Test Cases made from scripts". In its spreadsheet file, you'll see the top 4 rows are test case information and the bottom X rows relate to the script. In the configuration file the XLSLink at the bottom ties them together. You should be able to modify this .cfg/.xls pair to meet your one test case-one script needs.